The "Star Justice Christmas" ornament is a captivating celebration of the popular "Star Justice" series by Michael-Scott Earle. This enchanting ornament features the series' iconic characters: a powerful female warrior and a mighty weretiger, both adorned in advanced combat armor. The warrior, with her piercing gaze and sleek armor, stands ready beside her formidable ally, who is whimsically topped with a Santa hat, bringing a festive twist to his fearsome appearance. Set against a backdrop of icy crystals and electric blue energy that hints at the thrilling cosmic battles of their world, this ornament is wrapped in holiday charm with a vivid "Merry Christmas" message.
Made from durable scalloped acrylic, this ornament is a perfect gift for fans of the series, offering a blend of sci-fi adventure and holiday spirit. It’s designed to sparkle on any Christmas tree, making it an ideal collectible that celebrates both the spirit of the holidays and the beloved adventures of "Star Justice."
• Material: Optically clear digital-grade acrylic
• Sizes: Scalloped 3″ × 4.25″ (7.62 × 10.8 cm)
• Ornament thickness: 0.25″ (6.35 mm)
• Comes with a red ribbon for hanging
• Blank product sourced from China
• This product is available in the US only. If your shipping address is outside this region, please choose a different product.
• The product includes a small QR code on the back which may be slightly visible through the material. This is intended only for the production team's use.